Vice President of Academic Affairs
Associate Professor of Missions

The Rev. Dr. Brad Roderick

BA, Mississippi College, 1984 (Special Distinction with Highest Honors)
MDiv, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary 1986
PhD, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary 1993

The faithfulness to the vision of the tagline is what has drawn me to Trinity. From the beginning, Trinity has been a School for Ministry—a place for formation in the practical and spiritual aspects of service as well as the intellectual ones. TAS is an Evangelical Seminary not only committed to the Word of God, but also to the sharing of the message of that Word with the world. And a school in the Anglican Tradition—historical, liturgical, and sacramental.

Vice President of Academic Affairs
Associate Professor of Missions

The Rev. Dr. Brad Roderick

BA, Mississippi College, 1984 (Special Distinction with Highest Honors)
MDiv, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary 1986
PhD, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary 1993

The faithfulness to the vision of the tagline is what has drawn me to Trinity. From the beginning, Trinity has been a School for Ministry—a place for formation in the practical and spiritual aspects of service as well as the intellectual ones. TAS is an Evangelical Seminary not only committed to the Word of God, but also to the sharing of the message of that Word with the world. And a school in the Anglican Tradition—historical, liturgical, and sacramental.

Research Interests

Following 30 plus years in cross cultural missions, I continue to be interested in discovering the most effective ways to help all believers be on mission with the Father, learning and then applying what they have learned in prayer, evangelism, discipleship, leadership training, and church planting in culturally appropriate and biblically grounded ways.

Workshops, Lectures, & Retreats

Publications & Research

PhD Dissertation

An Evangelical Christian Response to the American Black Muslim Movement, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 1993

Journal Articles

“Not Getting Lost in Translation,” The Occasional Bulletin of the Evangelical Missiological Society, Vol. 33:1, Fall 2019.

With Joseph Gordy: “Every People, Every Place: Gospel Proclamation and Disciple Making to the Ends of the Earth,” The Journal Number 6: Spring 2019.

“The Birth of a Nation: A Brief History of the Nation of Islam,” The Bulletin of the Henry Martyn Institute of Islamic Studies, Vol 17:2, 1998.

“God’s Mission to Egypt in the Exodus,” The Theological Educator Number 52: Fall, 1995.

Missionary Booklets

Embracing ASAP 101: Preparing to Take the Gospel to South Asian Peoples, IMB, 2014.

Thirty Days of Prayer for the Muslims of India, Indian Baptist Society, Bangalore, 1999.

The Muslims of Karnataka, Indian Baptist Society, Bangalore, 1998.

Shorter Articles

“Street Smart Evangelism,” Discipleship Journal’s 101 Best Small Group Ideas, Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1996.

10-part series on church planting, The Penn-Jersey; Harrisburg, PA: Baptist Convention of Pennsylvania-South Jersey, 1996

“When the World Moves Next Door,” Discipleship Journal, Sept/Oct 1995.

12-part series on interfaith witnessing, reprinted as Faiths of New England: A Guide to Effective Interfaith Witnessing, Northborough, MA: Baptist Convention of New England, 1994.